
Prescription Skincare


What is Hydroquinone and why use it?

Hydroquinone is a depigmenting agent, it comes in various strengths (generally 2-5%). It is used for the treatment of hyperpigmented skin conditions (chloasma, melisma, freckles, senile lentigines) and other unwanted hyperpigmentation. It may take a few weeks of continual use before seeing its effectiveness and full benefits.

Potential side effects of  Hydroquinone

To reduce side effects, follow the above directions. Avoid direct sun exposure and wear IMAGE daily ultra-defense moisturizer SPF 50 during daytime hours. Potential side effects include:

  • Skin irritation, reddening, itching
  • Burning sensation and stinging
  • Excessive dryness, flaky, and peeling skin


What is Tretinoin and why use it?

Tretinoin is a retinoid, it comes in various strengths (0.025%, 0.05%, and 0.1%). It is used for the treatment of facial acne, fine lines, and wrinkles. It may be necessary to use Tretinoin for at least 8-12 weeks before seeing its effectiveness and full benefits

Potential side effects of Tretinoin

To reduce side effects, start with the lowest concentration of Tretinoin and follow the above directions. Avoid direct sun exposure and wear IMAGE daily ultra-defense moisturizer SPF 50 during daytime hours. Potential side effects include:

  • Skin irritation, reddening, itching, and swelling
  • Burning sensation, blistering, and stinging
  • Excessive dryness, flaky, and peeling skin
  • Initial acne breakouts
  • Sunburn

Who should avoid Tretinoin?
  • Tretinoin must not be used by women who are pregnant, nursing or wish to become pregnant.
  • Tretinoin should also not be used by children under 12 years of age or by individuals with active flare of rosacea.
How do I get started?

Interested in trying hydroquinone or tretinoin? Call or schedule at HERE to get started. Our providers will educate you on correct usage of the product and help you determine proper usage based on your skin type.

Youthful Aesthetics carries clinical grade IMAGE Skincare® products. IMAGE Skincare ® offers a variety of different lines to target your personal skin care needs. IMAGE® was founded by an esthetician and plastic surgeon, and is recommended by a network of over 30,000 skincare professionals.

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For more detailed information about our products visit Image Skincare.