Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, also known as bioidentical hormone therapy or natural hormone therapy, is the use of plant-derived hormones that are identical on a molecular level with endogenous hormones in hormone replacement therapy. Bio-identical hormones offer a natural solution to hormone issues. Women can receive BHRT pellets, and we offer male Testosterone replacement injections (not pellets).

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Here are some answers to the questions we receive the most about our services. If we missed anything, please do not hesitate to contact us. We’ll be happy to help.

What Is Hormone Replacement Therapy?

Hormones are involved in most of the body’s basic functions like digestion, appetite, libido, and mood. Low or imbalanced hormone levels can have widespread effects on your health and feeling of well-being. For many people the best solution is hormone replacement therapy, which is the use of compounded medications customized to replace the hormones your body isn’t producing.

At Youthful Aesthetics, we use Belmar pharmacy, which compounds bioidentical hormones for women and men. Bioidentical hormones have the same molecular structure and function as natural human hormones. Doctors and patients today are choosing bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) as the preferred treatment for declining or imbalanced hormones.

What Are The Benefits of Hormone Replacement Therapy?

Pharmacists at Belmar compound our BHRT prescriptions using plant-derived natural ingredients from FDA approved sources.

Does It Treat Menopause?

The most common use of BHRT is to treat the symptoms of menopause in women. These Symptoms include hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, sleep problems, fatigue, weight gain, loss of muscle mass, foggy thinking, and mood changes. BHRT for menopausal women restores quality of life for women experiencing perimenopause and menopause. There is no need to suffer in silence any longer.

What Is Andropause?

Essentially, andropause is the male equivalent of menopause in women. It refers to an age-related decline in male hormone levels and is sometimes referred to as testosterone deficiency or androgen deficiency. The decrease in hormones and onset of symptoms in men, however, is slower and more subtle than it is in women. Testosterone is the primary male hormone; it gives men deep voices, muscle mass, and male facial and body hair patterns. As men get older, the level of testosterone gradually lessens — about 1% per year from age 30 onward. While this is normal, you may start experiencing physical and psychological symptoms from low testosterone levels beginning in your 50s.

Does It Help With Loss of Bone Density?

Postmenopausal osteoporosis can affect many women during the first decade following menopause. Bones may become brittle, fragile, and easily fractured. It is one of the most common postmenopausal problems that doctors can treat with BHRT.

Does It Improve Heart Health?

Until they reach menopause, women are protected from many cardiovascular problems by their female hormones. However, once estrogen and certain adrenal hormones start to decline, women may need hormone replacement therapy to help protect their heart and blood vessels.

Will It Improve Sexual Dysfunction?

BHRT may help with vaginal dryness in women, decreased libido in both sexes, and sexual functioning issues in men.

Will It Reverse Muscle and Strength Loss?

Men and women can lose muscle mass and strength as hormone levels decrease. Hormone replacement therapy can help patients continue enjoying their favorite sports, activities, and a better quality of life.

How Can It Affect Mood Disorders?

Hormonal changes in menopause or andropause (in men) can cause or worsen mood swings, anxiety disorders, or depression. In addition to worry, fear, agitation, irritability, nervousness, and irrational thoughts, patients can have physical symptoms — rapid heart rate, shortness of breath, nausea, numbness, lightheadedness, shakiness, and high blood pressure.

Who Can Benefit from Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy?

BHRT can benefit women and men with age-related changes in hormone levels causing problems that range from wellness issues to serious medical conditions.

BHRT therapy can also be useful for younger patients who have any of the conditions mentioned. No matter what age you are, if you suffer from a hormone imbalance, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy may help.

What Hormone Therapy Is Available for Men?

Youthful Aesthetics offers hormone replacement therapy for men via testosterone injections. Our nurse practitioners will meet and discuss optimal doses to achieve therapeutic hormone levels per client needs.

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